Overlap Sweater
Attention: All patterns are copyrighted to their individual creators and are to be used solely for charity purposes. Any making and selling of the following item(s) is strictly FORBIDDEN. Permission is given to make a paper copy of patterns for charity use only. You are also FORBIDDEN by law to put the pattern(s) on any website, in emails, on mailing lists, in any print publication or media and/or to sell these patterns, or to distribute them in any other form or fashion not listed for any reason.

© Pattern Copyright 2007--Kelly Kearney
Simply Soft yarn, size G7 hook
Chain 50
Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and next 4 chs, work 3dc in next ch (corner), dc in next 6 chs, 3dc in next ch(corner), dc in next 12 chs, 3dc in next ch(corner), dc in next 6chs, 3dc in next ch(corner), dc in last 14 chs. Ch 2,turn.
Rows 2-7: dc in each st putting 3dc in center st of each corner. Ch2, turn.
Row 8: dc in each st to first corner, ch 5, dc in center st of second corner, dc across to center st of third corner, ch 5, dc in center of fourth corner and each st to end.
Rows 9-19: Ch 2, turn, dc in each st across. (at end of row 19 ch 1)
Edging: work sc up front side placing buttonholes where you want them. Continue sc around neck, down Left side and across bottom placing 3 sc in each corner. join to first sc, finish off.
Sleeves: join yarn to center stitch at bottom on armhole, DC around. Work 8 rows total for sleeves.
Row 9, sc around sleeve.
© Pattern Creation and Copyright 2007--Kelly Kearney
This Pattern is created for "Gods Tiny Angels" and is to be used for Charity ONLY.
GTA Site Reminder: The only legal use of patterns on this website is to make the items and give them to charity.